Monday, November 25, 2019

Film Blog

Now we’re going to discuss filming. To be honest I’m not really that excited about the process this time. It’s not that I’m bored with it, it’s just that I’m confused and annoyed. After debating for minutes upon minutes my group and I finally chose a song. In the moment it seemed like a great idea but now that I’m thinking about the outlook of the music video, I don’t like it much. I don’t dislike it but I just feel like our concept is so similar to everyone else’s. Everyone films at the beach, and for the music video I wanted to be different, unique. I wanted to shoot at a restaurant maybe. To turkey bring out the idea that the couple was in love and they were on a date, enjoying each other’s company. I thought it’d be perfect for the music we chose, it would’ve made more sense in my opinion.

Of course majority rules and my group members thought it’d be more convenient for everyone if we did shoot there because it’s close to our school. Which I totally understand because for instance in my case, I have to babysit and I leave far so it’d be best for us to leave right after school is finished. We would head to the beach and shoot from 3-5, then head back to school so me and another member can hop on the school bus. In order to complete the filming we’d have to do this 2 days instead of 1. We plan on filming the Monday and Tuesday after we get back from thanksgiving break. That way we’ll still have enough time to edit the music video. We wanted to film this week but we found out there’s no activity buses. Also me and another member won’t be here during thanksgiving break so we figured this would be best. So we thought this would be the bless plan. We’d be able to shoot still and make it back home safely.

So the Monday and Tuesday after break wed leave immediately after school and head to the mattress store. I know what you’re thinking, what the hell would we do at the mattress store. We chose this because the song basically talks about remember what he once had. We thought the best way to incorporate this would be for him to have flash backs to when he fed her breakfast in bed. So we’d go to a mattress store or a furniture store, then we’d ask for there permission to film of course. If they say no then we would end up going with my date idea. Either way we want it to seem like he’s reminiscing on the times he shared with the one he loved. On the next day, we’re going to the beach. We’re going to film our actor walking on the beach sining as if he’s thinking about what happened. The flashbacks will be incorporated in it between scenes.

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